Honey, I provide the same high-quality, judgment-free breastfeeding support that I offer in person… just virtually through HIPAA compliant video chats.

Access to healthcare is imperative to optimal health for patients but especially important during the prenatal and postpartum periods.
just a few perks to
virtual support
No transportation time or costs. ...
No need to take time off of work. ...
Eliminate child or elder care issues.
On-demand options
Access to lactation specialists
Less Chance of Catching a New Illness.
Less Time in the Waiting Room.
Better Maternal + Infant Health
Less isolation
My Virtual breastfeeding support is offered to anyone everywhere in the world. How cool would it be to have global support, honey.
My virtual services provide:
* on demand access to lactation education
* support immediately after your delivery
* personalized answers for your questions
* maternal confidence
* an increase to you and your newborn’s health
* global help to anyone anywhere in world
I provide virtual services for families with uncomplicated challenges and need a few questions answered right in the comforts of your home.

Book me, honey!!