It doesn’t matter what the latch looks like, the question is what does it feel like and if it’s painful more than likely your nipple probably looks like this. (Picture left) Painful breastfeeding often comes with an abnormally shaped nipple after breastfeeding.

🤰🏻Another common side effect of improper latch is what's referred to as a lipstick nipple.
This is where the nipple temporarily changes during nursing because of misplaced pressure.
Pressure should be on the areola, when’re milk ducts are located, not the nipple. The nipple will appear slanted or tapered like the tip of a newly opened lipstick tube. Remember honey it’s breastfeeding not nipple feeding. Your nipple should be in the same shape coming off the latch as it went into babees mouth.
How do we fix this?! A few things to try:
1️⃣ Unlatch and try again! If at first you don’t succeed try, try again. Breastfeeding takes lots of practice.
2️⃣Make sure baby’s mouth opens wide. This allows for more areola to enter babees mouth rather than just the nipple.
3️⃣Aim your nipple to the roof of baby’s mouth. Flip the nip aka flipple. When the nipple touches the roof of the mouth babee will latch me it will activate the suck reflex.
4️⃣Make sure baby’s chin touches the breast. The chin anchors the breast and also is the trigger for babee to open their mouth.
5️⃣Make a U shape to compress your breast. If maternal Assistance is needed Hold the breast using a U shape is easiest the C shape moms hands tend to get in the way and in an uncomfortable position.
6️⃣Check baby’s body position
Babee’s head shoulders and hip should be in alignment with your tummies facing each other.
7️⃣Try a different feeding position
Laid back, cross cradle, football and side lying work best.
8️⃣Oral restrictions
If after making adjustment and pain persists it is recommended to have an oral assessment done to rule out possible tongue or lip ties! I know an awesome therapy center

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