By B r a n d i s M o o r e 🍯
May 4th, 2019 My precious princess turned 6 months!!!
May 4th, 2019 I also accomplished my very 1st goal of exclusively #breastfeeding #babybop for 6 WHOLE months. Looking back on the 1st half of this journey im grateful that I (we) made it. There has been plenty of days and nights with frustration, extra long work days of pumping (which I hate), exhaustion, tiredness, sweet cravings, wanting to give up, battling not being a mum of a super overflower and a pediatrician not so supportive at times.

But because of great support of family, friends and my princess latching likea champ, being so resilient and us bonding over this journey and the grace of God, we made it thru the tears, hard days and nights. I have had to sacrifice a lot but I wouldnt trade this journey for the world. Im so happy I have been able to provide the nourishment for my babygirl to grow...6 months down..2nd goal: another 6 months 😊😊

Photo Cred 📸: @zakeyalaniquephotography
Makeup: @hautebeatbytip
SHIRT: #melanatedmilkies @blackmomsbreastfeed