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It’s true. The only person in the house that knows what to do is the babee…they 💤-ing while you and Dad are 🙊🙈🙉 #GoLayDown

It’s built this way for a reason. Babees need three things for survival during the Fourth Trimester that’s




You are enough heck even I love all of that… #MeTooHoney 😂

It could all be so simple but you bought all the things to keep babee away from you. Doesn’t work like that!

Babywearing for the win.

Bedsharing for the win.

Skin to Skin for the win.

All three lead to the MILK! #restrecoveryMILK #milksupplybooster

I promise you it’s always one of those three things a babee needs when crying. #jadataughtyou #bookmehoney


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Servicing the following counties: Atlanta, South Fulton, Henry, Rex, Forest Park, Morrow, Dekalb, Coweta, Fayette counties support outside of this coverage will incur an additional $25 travel fee for >30 minutes per visit. 

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