Hey Honey!!
If you’re beginning your milk making journey soon then you’ll definitely want to tune into this weeks TIT BIT Tuesday tip.
A common phrase you may hear stating your journey is that breastfeeding is very painful. Let me first start by saying breastfeeding should never be painful. Ever. Slight tenderness is a normal range when initiating breastfeeding because quite frankly you’ve never had a human sucking continuously on your nipple.
Or maybe you have 🤭
You’ll come across many social media posts or maybe even your doula talk about comfort measures for labor and pain management but we have comfort measures for breastfeeding and pumping too.
To ensure you begin your journey the least amount of pain I’ve put together a few tips to prepare.
Don’t panic, honey! Take charge!
Comfort measures for breastfeeding and pumping can make your experience more pleasant and effective for sufficient milk supply!
Keep reading for more comfort measures, honey!!
1. Proper Latch: Ensure the babee is latching correctly. This reduces nipple pain and increases milk transfer. Laid back position is highly encouraged to activate a deeper latch and babee’s innate reflexes to feed.
2. Comfortable Position: Use pillows or nursing cushions to support the babee and your arms. Common positions include laid back, cross cradle hold, football hold, and side-lying.
3. Skin-to-Skin Contact: This calms your babee because they can hear, smell and feel you. This promotes bonding and can help stimulate milk production and relax you and babee during feeds.
4. Hydration and Nutrition: Eat honey!! A nice warm meal always soothes and nourished the soul. We can’t perform on an empty stomach. Stay well-hydrated. Drinking water isn’t always enough, Salt intake promotes hydration by pulling water into your cells too. Maintain a balanced diet to support milk production. Studies have shown gut health is directly correlated to your mental health. Limit sugary and processed foods when possible.
5. Nipple Care: Using food grade oil such as coconut oil to keep your nipples moist for better baking. Avoid saline soaks in a Haaka as they can dry the areola and nipple and encourage dry skin which can crack and bleed. Let your nipples air dry after feedings when possible. Using nipple sterling silver cups can aid in healing too but don’t wear them all day or daily as this could promote a build of moisture causing thrush in the nipple.
6. Breast Pads: Use disposable or reusable breast pads to absorb leaks and keep your nipples dry. Keep in mind to change your pads often to avoid moisture build up. Nipples should air dry when possible.
7. Warm Compresses: Applying a warm compress before feeding can help with milk flow and relieve engorgement. Use the warm compress until you see milk drops. For some warm heat can cause more inflammation. Utilize a hot shower facing your back or gentle movement creating heat from hand massage.
8. Cool Compresses: After feeding, cool compresses can reduce swelling and discomfort. Place cold compresses onto the breast for 10 minutes or so. Repeat until swelling has resolved.
Pumping Comfort Measures

Pumping can come with its own set of pain if the proper protocols aren’t taken to ensure you avoid nipple traumas OUCH!! Nipples on fire is not a great feeling but using these simple measures below should help to minimize pain. Again if pain persists, seek help ASAP!!
1. Correct Flange Size: Ensure the breast pump flange fits properly to avoid discomfort and ensure efficient milk extraction.
2. Pumping Bra: A hands-free pumping bra can make the process more convenient and comfortable. Be sure to purchase a cup size bigger to prevent the bra from being too tight which can restrict milk production.
3. Relaxing Environment: Pump in a calm, quiet place to help with milk letdown. Listening to music or looking at pictures of your baby can help.
4. Regular Breaks: Take regular breaks to massage your breasts and relieve any discomfort.
5. Pumping Schedule: Establish a consistent pumping schedule to maintain milk supply and avoid painful engorgement and inflammation.
6. Hydration: Again, drink plenty of water before and after pumping sessions.
7. Breast Massages: Gently massage your breasts before and during pumping to help with milk flow.
I’m sure you’ve noticed lubrication was left off wellllll sometimes lubrication can lead to using the wrong nipple size. Too much areola is being pulled into the shield or honeys may have elastic nipples which require a different set of pumping measures.
If any pain persists after using these tempts and you are still experiencing pain, reach out for a virtual or in person consult to help you get back on track to your milky journey!!